Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Coming out of it... Martha Stewart... Zakka...

Well, I seem to be coming out of it somewhat gradually. I can't quite explain what's been going on lately. Maybe it's been all kinds of things that are completely out of my control, and that gets grating after a while, of course.

I've been reading Japanese blogs. Or, rather, I've been looking at pictures on Japanese blogs because I can't read Japanese. I've been inspired by the simplicity of people's homes and the handmade things that are everywhere. I've been taking a look at my home and realizing that I can't really turn my head in any single room in my house without finding at least 1 (or 10) things I've made decorating each area. I'm realizing that even though I have a constant feeling of never doing enough, I clearly have made a mark in my home.

I've also come to something of a decision. For at least a little while, I think I will completely abandon any crafting of any kind that I will try to sell. I think I'll focus on myself, on my family, on my house... I'll try to rediscover the joy of making for what it is. It's possibly one of the best things about being human, the spark of the mind that separates us from the animals. Maybe it's part of God making us in His image. Who knows?

It might sound funny, but lately my biggest inspiration has probably been the Martha Stewart website. I love looking at stuff there. They have a whole section in the decorating area of the website dedicated to entire rooms of certain colors. GOSH, I love seeing those.

There's the link to the beginning if anyone wants to see. I'm really inspired lately by zakka crafting from Japan. Their ability to create incredibly beautiful objects with such simplicity will never cease to amaze gaudy-just-10-more-rhinestones-and-a-pound-of-glitter-to-finish-it me.

If ANYONE out there who likes to bead hasn't checked out the Bead Fantasies (I-IV) series by Takako Samejima, you're seriously missing out.

Okay, okay..... I know what to do now. It's really helpful to have a blog to talk about these things. ^_^

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