I've got this special affinity for them which was developed when I was a little girl. I was raised by my grandma, and she always allowed me to play with her jewelry. I was a little girl in the 80's back when huge, chunky plastic and wooden earrings were all the rage. I would prance around in boots that went up to my thighs (they were knee-high high heeled boots she bought at a garage sale specifically so that I could play dress up in them) and huge earrings and pretend that I belonged to a world in which one's status was determined by how big one's earrings were. Naturally, as I had huge earrings, I was a queen. (I very rarely pretended to be a princess... I always pretended to be the queen--the one in charge, duh.)
I guess this idea formed in my head way back then and I have to admit that when I wear big earrings, even today, I prance a bit more than just walk, if you know what I mean. Something in me still feels queenly when I wear huge earrings. And I LOVE to make them.
So this was my craft for today--all of it is silver plated, but all of those are Swarovski crystals. I even used one of my favorite colors--Fire Opal, which is an amazing blend of yellow and orange in each crystal. Each one seems to be unique and just a bit different. I love that about them!
Stunning earrings, Kathy...and they dangle...my favorite!